Tuesday, January 19, 2010

January 19

I leave in six days and I am feeling remarkably prepared. Originally I wasn't going to make too many plans, I thought I would just sort of figure it out as I went along. But after receiving a few emails back from various WWOOF projects, an itinerary formed itself. Here's the outline of my plan:
I'll arrive in Barcelona on January 26th and begin taking two weeks of intensive Spanish classes on February 1st. My classes end on the 12th and on the 15th I have arranged to go to Lakabe (a commune near Pamplona) for ten days. After that I will probably visit some friends in Logrono for a few days and maybe hike on the Camino de Santiago. Then in March I plan to go to Sanguesa to work on a strawbale building project. At some point in the end of March, my best friend, Taylor is going to come visit me on her spring break. In April I will go down south to Granada and work on an organic farm run by an English woman. After that I may go to Amsterdam to visit Max or I may just bum around in Granada. Of course none of my plans are set and I'm sure they will change, but it feels nice to have things mapped out.
Currently I am just trying to say goodbye to my friends, get my taxes done, and eat as much delicious vegan Portland food as possible.

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